Qualified Accountant

4th Unit 46 Ilford Lane, Ilford, United Kingdom, IG12JY
Phone: +02084788840

FAQs Page

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of the most common conundrums for you right here, on our FAQ page.
Check our Frequently Asked Question below for answers to the most common business problems and opportunities.
If you can't find the answer you're looking for this accountant FAQs page, pick up the phone and call us - We love to help business succeed.

Why choose Qualified Accountant?

We are Qualified Accountant your modern digital tax accountants. We help professionals, online sellers, IT, eCommerce, creatives, and innovative small businesses save time, tax, and money so that they are free to do what they do best.

As accredited partners of Xero we are experts in cloud and eCommerce accounting. All our services and support use the latest cloud-based technology and utilise the 800 different approved Xero add-ons to create the perfect solution to help you grow your business.

Qualified Accountant offer solutions that reduce the friction between selling and accounting, bringing you closer to your business and helping you to save time, tax, and money.

Who will be my contact at Qualified Accountant?

Every client will receive their own chartered accountant and cloud accounting expert. They will be your first point of contact if you have any questions.

How much experience do the team at Qualified Accountant have?

We have 17 years’ experience of providing digital accounting solutions to a range of clients.

How much support and advice will I receive?

We are here to help you. If you ever have any questions or concerns then pick up the phone or send us an email and you will get personal professional advice, based on your individual circumstances.

You can ring any time during office hours to ask questions, without having to worry about the cost

What is the average timescale to complete my accounts?

Once your year end has finished we will be in contact to remind you to get all of your invoices up to date. Once we receive the data we can get the accounts finalised, normally within 4 weeks.

How do I cancel my services with Qualified Accountant?

We aim to provide an efficient and effective service. Should you have any issues we would always aim to listen to your concerns and put things right: we truly value you as customer.

However, if you have decided to leave us we would work out how much you have paid and compare this to the service which has been provided during the 12 month period. We would then either refund you or give you a bill for the difference.

Ask Your Questions

If our accounting FAQ page does not answer all your questions, please tell us about your business accounting needs below and we’ll schedule a consultation
Please tell us about your business accounting needs below and we’ll schedule a consultation

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