Salaried GPs

Salaried GPs

At Qualified Accountant, we work with many salaried GPs, offering the latest tax advice and cloud based accounting services.

We understand the key challenges facing salaried GPs, and can help you to deal with them.

Salaried GPs are often required to submit an income tax return, detailing information on any sources of additional income, including from savings or locum work.

Meanwhile, the rules on personal expenses for salaried GPs are more restrictive than in some other situations, and stipulate that an expense must be incurred ‘wholly, necessarily and exclusively’ in the performance of the role.

Another issue of vital importance is ensuring that you have the correct PAYE tax code, which can be a particular issue for salaried GPs whose working arrangements can be variable. We can deal with emergency or incorrect PAYE tax codes, helping to ensure that you are paying the right amount of tax.

At Qualified Accountant, we can assist with all of your tax and accounting needs, from completing your tax returns to calculating your expenses and deductions on your behalf – saving you time and tax!

Get In Touch With Me

It is so important that you choose Modern Digital Tax Accountant for you and for your business and should be a right fit, that’s why not to have a video call to see if we are right for each other.